Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Pictures

                                           Adrienna,Olivia,Jessica, and Isaac(always goofing off)
                                           Me and my honey( no I'm not taller than him, its just my shoes)
                                               Father like son
                                            What was I saying about Isaac always being a ham....

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Jesus is Risen!

In light of  the Celebration of Jesus Christ  Rising from the Dead, what a glorious thing it is to be able to say Jesus is Risen! Let us never forget What an amazing gift of salvation we have been given with His Death and Resurrection.
I must confess lately I've been a little discouraged with what I think should be or even shouldn't be happening in my life, church, etc...  But as I look around at the world and the wicked and craziness of it... How can I deny that God has called me and you to tell the world there is a hope and and answer for all this madness, and It is in the Power of the Cross and the Blood. Isn't it amazing that you can read the news  and read the bible and see the signs of the times. A couple of guys in our church are in the navy and had to sit and listen yesterday to their CO's tell them how the Don't ask Don't Tell Policy has been repealed in our military, and of course they are supposed to be sensitive and tolerate. Then Drudge Report had a horrific video of two girls beating another girl in a McDonalds, I could barely watch it and it sickened me literally to my stomach, and there were people watching and laughing and I pray God how much more of  this wickedness are you going to tolerate? Jesus is coming back People are we Ready? Are we doing His Work? So as we remember and yes celebrate and rejoice in the Risen Savior we have to remember it wasn't just for us but those  dying in their sin, there's not much time....Jesus is Risen ....Glory Hallelujah

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Spring Break

Hip Hip Hooray Easter Vacation is here! 2 glorious weeks of sleeping in, 3rd week is Tempe conference, but I am so so ready for this break! The kids got out early yesterday and we went bike riding at Coronado, it was a beautiful warm sunny day. We only had one minor casualty, Jessica bit the dust as she was riding as her sisters would say "daredevilish" Poor girl . Just to give you an idea though of how excited the kids are to be on vacation, Arty was asking Isaac if he had any homework to which Isaac replied" Dad I have no homework , I've been set free!" Gotta love that Boy.

And now... a couple of yummy healthy  Spring recipes for you.

Crispy Kale

1 bunch of kale rinsed and shaken off, drizzle with a little olive oil, season with garlic,sea salt, and pepper and bake in oven at 350 for 15 mins or until crispy. Tastes like pumpkin seeds and the kids love it!

P.F. Chang cucumbers

slice up cucumbers and drizzle white or red vinegar  with garlic seasoning , add enough soy sauce to coat the cucumbers and top with sesame seeds. Yum! 

Saturday, April 9, 2011

B.B. Brownies!

Last night we had a fellowship before biblestudy, Arty bbq'd carne asada in the rain( well on the porch-out of the rain) and I love love love dessert, so instead of making my decadent rich delicious desserts, I made a lowfat, lower calorie one. B.B Brownies and they were so good! So here you go!

B.B. Brownies

1 box of Brownie Mix

1 can of black beans.

Empty brownie mix in bowl, drain beans and rinse, then throw into blender and blend until completely smooth . Add to brownie mix and put into 9 by 13 pan and bake as directed.