Wednesday, November 24, 2010

In Giving Thanks

Tuesday was our Thanksgiving feast at the kids school and let me tell we feasted! The awesome thing about having a christian school is there is such a Giving and Thankful spirit in that place, for that I am grateful. So there we were with lots and lots of Delicious food and it was a really awesome time. They had a speaker : Stewert Hedley . This man is 89 years old and is one of the few survivors of Pearl Harbor. He spoke in great length about what it was like being there as a young navy man of 2o years old. Wow what an incredible account he gave. Just to hear his stories and realize this man is and was an important part of history, I hope we never forget the sacrifices men and women have made for our great country. On this Thanksgiving day not only do I want to Thank God for all his many blessings on my life, but I want to give thanks for so many who sacrificed time, family, and life to bring us the Freedom we still enjoy in our Nation. Thank you to all the service men and women and also to their families who also sacrifice. I am privileged to know so many. I pray that all of you will have a Happy Thanksgiving!!! Enjoy your time with Friends and Family.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Ok Ok I have jumped on the bandwagon for shutterfly's free 50 photocards. As most as you know I am a huge fan of those christmas photo cards. I grew up on those thing and of course I look forward to continuing this tradition for many many years. So look forward to getting yours from me courtesy of Shutterfly. Can't wait! The awesome thing is I don't even have to stress about taking a picture, becouse my girls have been taking all kinds of pictures so I'm going to go find some cute pics, pick out my design and I'm good to go, so thank you to shutterfly for providing my christmas cards this year!I love how I grew up in our fellowship looking forward to seeing everybodys elses christmas cards throughout the year and now my kids do the same! What a great way to keep up with how all of our families are growing. Right! So you guys can go to Shutterfly for amazing holiday cards along with photo books, and so much more. Hope all you guys in blog land have a Memorable Christmas this year, not forgetting the reason we celebrate. Jesus! Happy New Year in advance too!

Well, Bloggers get 50 free holiday cards from Shutterfly… sign up:

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You too can enjoy 50 free holiday cards!!!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Hallelujah Harvest

Our church joined our mother church for their hallelujah harvest. Adrienna and Olivia got to help out and they really enjoyed that. I'm glad that we are close enough so they can still do things like that! Little Benjamin is our not so happy pumpkin! Olivia was the fortune teller that got the demon cast out of her by Paul. Adrienna was Lydia seller of Purple and Isaac who is in the white tunic with the black turban in the midst of all the kids was" Isaac", Jess who is not featured here was Rebecca and Joshua our little cutie was Woody . Ohyeah my niece Victoria who is behind Adrie was a band nerd.

Randon Pictures

Just some Random Pictures of Adrie and Liv that Adrie took, and those earrings that Livie's wearing.... They're mine, not hers, sheesh .

Friday, November 5, 2010

The Glory Road

Last night Arty and I got the privilage of attending a theater production with Olivia and other kids from her school at the Lamb's Player Theater in Coronado. It is a beautiful intimate theater that does wholesome sometimes christian based plays so its always an enjoyable time. Well Last night's performance of The Glory Road was the most incredible, moving play I have ever seen! If you live in San Diego you have got to go see it! It is only playing until Nov. 14 so you better hurry.
It is the story of Clarence Jordan, the starter of Habitat for Humanity. He was a man of God who wanted to make a difference and went through a lot to do so. The setting is in Georgia and he fought against segregation with the bible. The actors were so incredibly talented, you felt what they felt. They could move you to tears and then the next minute you are laughing . They used no musical instruments but their voices and wow! All the songs they sang were Old gospel music, oh it was just so awesome.
I'm always in amazement to see and hear story's of people who have gone before us who live with every part of their being what Jesus Christ says to do, and live with such faith despite what the circumstances around say they should do. God really spoke to my heart during this production about just believing and trusting Him for the things I want to see done and having Faith in Jesus Christ, no matter what is going on around me. What an incredible Testimony we can all have if we do just that!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Ca Election Blues

Ok I never thought I would blog about something like this but I'm so frustrated today that I live in California!!! Today the weather and the beach can have no bearing on the way that I feel about the corrupt leftist California that I live in. If you look on there is a map of how the United States voted: blue or red. Wouldn't you know MOST of AMERICA is FED UP and voted Red but not Cali , no no no We just can't see our great state and Nation are heading to Hell in a handbasket and we just want to continue that way! On a more positive note. Thank God my Hope is not in the Government or in the Red Party Definately not the Blue, but my HOPE is in GOD alone and only He can save us! We need a revival of Repentence! God Help us All to reach our nation for His Glory. Ok now that I got that off my chest, hope you all have a great day and if you sympathize with me leave me a note:)