Thursday, June 30, 2011

Happy 14th Birthday Olivia and other news...

Today is my beautiful Olivia Joy's 14th birthday. It is a bittersweet day for me cause I'm excited to see my little girl grow up into a young lady, and she is not with me today:( Her and Adrienna went to Grandma and Grandpa Fishers for a couple of weeks where they are having a Great time!) Oh the joys of summer vacation and the blessing of having my parents relatively close by for the first time in 10 years. I had to put the pictures on another post as Olivia is my computer tech and I'm lost without her.

Oh yeah back to my bittersweet moment( see how easily I get distracted!) I'm sad to realize how quickly Life can pass you by. Just yesterday I was enjoying my roly poly curly haired baby girl and now she is a teenager. I still enjoy her but in a different way. She is a great girl and I'm so thankful to have her as my daughter.

As for other news.... we have been on summer vacation for a month now, and I realize I hadn't blogged even once!

Its been relaxing, no rushing , well not in the day time at least, we've had a very busy church schedule with outreaches, revivals, concerts, you get the picture. Its been nice though...We've been to the beach, the county fair, celebrated Father's Day and our 17th anniversary. Summer. I love it! So hopefully soon I can get some pictures up , in the meantime I'm enjoying the kids and reveling in staying up late and sleeping in.

Happy 14th Birthday Olivia

                                           Victoria(cousin) and Olivia then....
and Now!
Photography by Olivia

                                                 Liv and her big sis Adrie