Friday, May 25, 2012

I ♥ Coronado

California's Coronado named nation's best beach  

Yup I agree, this was the headline in an article rating beaches in the good ol USA. Another great reason to come visit San Diego. Summer here we come (actually went Monday as it was a gorgeous sunny day).

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Everyday Life

First I have to say I don't have any accompanying photos for this post, mostly due to the fact that my darling children mainly Adri and Liv need to up load their photos to my computer. So saying that I'd like to share whats been going on for the last few weeks here in the Marin household.

The End of March brought us to celebrate my Daughter Adrienna's 16th birthday! Along with my Dads. She has the great distinction of being born on his birthday. My Mom and Dad were able to fly in for the weekend and we had such a great  time with my dad preaching in our church Sun morning and just hanging out. He did some "honey do" fixer uppers that my overworked honey hasn't gotten to get around to. Mon eve we had a surprise birthday party for him and Adrie. It was a lot of fun with good friends and family. My dad had to get back home and to work but my mom got to stay for the rest of the week. All the kids(including my nieces and nephews ) were on Spring Break and so we played tourists around San Diego. The weather was absolutely gorgeous and we visited Old Town, Sea Port Village, Coronado, all those beautiful  places we have here, I really encourage you to come and visit me here, theres so much to do and see and a lot of it can be done for free! Now don't I sound like the tourism board, ha-ha. All in all it was so nice to spend the time with my mom and sisters and all of our kids. We also celebrated Jessica's 11th birthday and I took her and her friend to the family fun center where they got to play miniature golf and got to drive themselves in the Go carts for the first time and ride all the little rides, it was so much fun to watch them.

Easter we celebrated the Resurrection with a great sermon from my husband and communion and then a potluck with our church family , all in all a great time of food and fellowship.

Our last week of Spring Break the weather turned a little stormy and cold but I managed to get some housework, and laundry done. The kids and I did some walk/running around the neighborhood for some exercise, Isaac is such a  crack up ,everytime I'd switch from walking to running he'd yell "Run Like the Wind Mommy!" Oh its hard to run and laugh at the same time . He also discovered the joy of monopoly and its been a great tool to teach him how to make change-as he likes being the "banker" Fun times!

Monday we will be back at school for 5 more weeks and then summer vacation! Woohoo I can't wait. In the meantime we countdown for our conf coming up here in a few weeks where we will get a much needed time of refreshening and encouragement, I can't wait for that too. Hope all of you in blogland are doing well , and thanks for checking in to see how we're all doing:)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Isaac just started Little League Baseball. Here are a couple of videos of him  Hitting the ball and then coming Home:) Sorry they are sideways. I couldn't figure out how to make them upright.  Actually the first video is him coming home and the second one is when he hit that ball that allowed him to get on base. It has been a ton of fun watching him. This is his first year and because Daddy has taught him how to play He does so  good! He takes it so serious too. I love it! So far his team has won 5 and lost 1. Go Padres Camos.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Check out my Website!

I am starting a weight loss and nutritional consultation business so check out my This is just the beginning so if any body has any suggestions on the formatting or tips to improve the look I'm open to that.

Friday, January 27, 2012

3 Girls and Their Boys and...Toy Story 3 on Ice

Leah, Rose, and I  took our 3 boys to see Toystory 3 on ice.  It was so awesome! It was cute  funny and the skating was amazing! Us Sisters had alot of fun and so did the cousins      .
Yum Chick Fila ! Eat More Chikin!

Me and My two sisters!

Toy Story 3

This was Isaac's favorite, the parachuter coming in!

Barbie and Ken

Rose and Leah(aren't they Lovely)

Us three girls had a great time taking our boys to see Toystory 3 on ice

Joshua, Brian, and Isaac waiting to go at Auntie Leah's house!

Yay we're Here!

Leah and Brian

Me and Isaac

Rose and Joshua

Yay! Micky, Minnie, Goofy, and Donald Duck!

Andy's Room

The Commander

And His Army: Toy Soldiers!

Buzz and Woody

My Favorite: The Aliens! They were so cute!

Aunt Leah bought the boys Toystory 3 sticker books!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Happy 8th Birthday Isaac

When we asked Isaac what he wanted for his b-day this is what he said!

                                         and more lego stuff
                                      mustang remote control car
                                    me and my two guys:)
                                    Liv and Jess "helping " Isaac build his legos