Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Wordless Wednesday


Sarah said...

Church kids can sleep ANYWHERE, ANYTIME. But this one takes the cake! His poor neck! LOL

Kelly Marin said...

I know Sarah I was laughing so hard when I first saw him, I'm like what the heck....

Stephanie said...

Oh my gosh! How in the world! Just like Sarah said - church kids will find a way to sleep....Wow! I love that you caught that picture!

Leah said...

You know you're a church kid when.... LOL

Great picture!!! I'm guessing he had a good, busy day at school? :D

Unknown said...

aww haha!! (: deffinately!

Kelly Marin said...

Victoria!!! Are you going to be a follower? Tell your mom I said HI!

Unknown said...

YES i am A follower!! & My mom said hi Back :)