I wanted to give a victory report on little Benjamin. Rose took him to the doctor for some blood work and all his bilyrubin levels are completely normal for the first time since He's been born. He is doing so awesome! So far he does everything that a baby his adjusted age should be doing. What a precious miracle he is. The pictures are of Benjamin before and after. The Elmo was bigger than Him when he was born and now you can see how much he's grown!

Makes me smile. Never knew I was going to treasure this Elmo like I do. =D
That is fabulous!! What a total miracle, I am so thrilled for Rose and for all of you:) I LOVE your blog background by the way!!!! How did you do that??
I don't know I do things all the time by accident. Ha-Ha. No I think I found it on the template on blogger.com maybe? check it out, cause I already forget. Olivia is my computer tech she's helps me a lot!
Awww, so sweet, he looked so handsome at church tonight....
I love the before/after. The ELmo really was bigger than him! That's amazing! God is good.
Oh, and I LOVE your background! Makes me want to come visit you!
How's the K12 schooling going? We did that one year.
Praise God!!! That is totally awesome. I can't wait to show the girls at church the before and after photos.
Keri, we start Monday the homeschooling so I am anticipating it will go good:P Come to San Diego anytime, you'll love it, I'll take you around, there's so many fun places for kids:)
Jenn, Hadassah looked so cute too! See you tonight.
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