My Livie Love is 13 today! I can't believe it! Seems like yesterday she was born, now I have TWO teenagers. Wow. We went to our favorite place in all of San Diego. Coronado. It was a gorgeous day and it was made even more fun by the simple fact that my sister Emily is here on vacation with her friend from Philly:) Glad you're here Em. Here are some pictures. Benjamin had on the cutest trunks and rash guard shirt, and then their is Isaac in the water. Featured is a picture of a house here in Coronado. I wish I could live on this island, but alas its for the Rich, sigh..... Oh well at least I can sit on the beach here right! When I get to Heaven My mansion is going to be even nicer than these "shacks" on the beach, although I will say I was reading Revelations yesterday and it says that When the New Heaven and Earth is here there will be no Sea. What?!! . I'm slightly dissapointed, I always said I was hoping that my mansion would be beach front property. Wow how did I go from Wishing my Liv happy birthday, to mansions? I can be so random sometimes. Ha. Sorry for the run on sentences too:( Anyway back to Liv, more pictures coming.

It was a FUN day! Happy Birthday again Liv.... More fun today. Are we going to make this a regular thing????.....
One of my best newlywed memories is over driving over to Coronado in the evenings and walking on the beach with Freddy....but I didn't carry around my camera like I do now, so no pictures of it.
If we ever move back there (praying for a year from now) I'm definitely going to have to join you for some jaunts on the beach.
You're too funny about your beach front property in heaven, Kelly!!! LOL
Oh, Happy Birthday Olivia!! I remember when you were born and I was barely pregnant with my twin girls....who will also be 13 this year. My how time certainly does fly.
People do know that this is Leah...G...not Kelly's sister, right? LOL :D
Oh, duh..just noticed my picture comes up, so of course they'll know. Gosh, I'm so vain! Sorry, Kelly!!
I put my request in a long time ago for a beach front mansion in heaven.
I hope our Liv had an awesome birthday. : ) Wow, 13!!!!
Yup, we know it's you, Leah. hehe
Benjamin looks like he has a very soggy diaper! I love that boy!
I think if there is an ocean in heaven...we'd all be fighting over the ocean front mansions. LOL ~
Happy 13th Birthday Olivia!!!!
mom my name is Olivia
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