Most of you know there are 6 girls in our family and one of the awesome things that it entails is being an Aunty. I believe there are 19 grandkids total, my mom will have to correct me if I'm wrong here. So I have lots of nieces and nephews and its a lot of fun cause my kids have cousins near and far. This weekend I got to babysit Rose's son Joshua while she was celebrating her anniversary. Now I have to say this , maybe its becouse Rose is the baby of the family and maybe becouse we are done having kids and she is not but my family(and Leah's too) absolutely love love love Joshua and now Benjamin too! They are like the golden children of the family. Ha-Ha. We have a lot of fun with Joshua when he comes over. I have tons and tons of pictures of him taken all by his older cousins Adrie and Olivia, and I"m not joking its a big fight when he comes over, same with Benjamin although he is too small to stay over night yet. The funny thing is as much as the girls fawn over Joshua Isaac is the one he follows everywhere. So cute! I'm so happy Rose got married to Joel and moved back to San Diego:) I wish I could live near all of my family but am thankful for the ones close by. Joshua loves coming over too so that makes it even that much more fun. When Rose had Benjamin and then was in the hospital for so long , he would come over and be so excited to go to "aunty Taye's(his pronounciation of Kelly)house. I love it.
If Freddy ever got stationed in SD again one benefit would be living closer to our niece and nephew. You are blessed! :)
They are cuties as well....
How sweet, how is Benjamin doing? Our church has been praying for him every service since the day he was born. If you did a post about him, my husband would love to read it to our church! Just a thought:)
Patti!!!!! Was so happy kelly started this because I found you! :) I'll let Kelly post about all the details of Benjamin. Just want to say Thank you!! He is doing really well. Still some things were working through like weight gain and jaundice. But God has been so faithfull. Would love to message you sometime.... just tell me where...
Rose (and Benjamin)
I Love them!!!!!!!!!!
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