We had a nice little earthquake last night I think around 9:30. I had it in mind that I was going to bed early. Isaac was asleep, Olivia and Jessica were in bed still talking, Adrie had spent the night at a friends house. Peace and Quiet . Yeah Right: all of a sudden everything starts shaking like crazy, both of the girls come running out of their rooms and jumped on my bed which I figure to be the safest place anyway. It wasn't very long maybe 20-30 seconds. According to signonsandiego.com Since the Easter Sunday quake in northern Baja, there have been six aftershocks that measured 5.0 or larger, USGS says. There also have been 108 aftershocks measuring 4.0 to 4.9, and about 1,000 measuring 3.0 to 3.9. A series of 3's hit about 11:30 p.m. Last nights was a 5.7. I must confess I am now earthquake sensitive, I can be laying on my bed and all of a sudden I think "oh did I feel the bed move?" nope that was Arty moving his leg, never mind I won't sound the alarm. Its kind of a wierd thing when you go through an earthquake, its kind of scary and sort of exhilarating at the same time. And even though you read about what to do you're still not that sure if thats what you're supposed to do. When the earthquake hit on Easter we all ran outside, now I'm not running outside at 9:30 at night. By the way you're not supposed to stand in the doorway anymore, they understand that construction is not what it used be quality wise. Not a very comforting thought. I didn't get to sleep that night for quite a while after that, but I did sleep good:)