Tuesday was our Thanksgiving feast at the kids school and let me tell we feasted! The awesome thing about having a christian school is there is such a Giving and Thankful spirit in that place, for that I am grateful. So there we were with lots and lots of Delicious food and it was a really awesome time. They had a speaker : Stewert Hedley . This man is 89 years old and is one of the few survivors of Pearl Harbor. He spoke in great length about what it was like being there as a young navy man of 2o years old. Wow what an incredible account he gave. Just to hear his stories and realize this man is and was an important part of history, I hope we never forget the sacrifices men and women have made for our great country. On this Thanksgiving day not only do I want to Thank God for all his many blessings on my life, but I want to give thanks for so many who sacrificed time, family, and life to bring us the Freedom we still enjoy in our Nation. Thank you to all the service men and women and also to their families who also sacrifice. I am privileged to know so many. I pray that all of you will have a Happy Thanksgiving!!! Enjoy your time with Friends and Family.